Bel Air Independence Day Committee
July 4 Contact Form

Note: do not use this form to apply to be in the parade — instead, fill out the Online Parade Application.

E-mail Address:

Phone Number:

About You

Your Main Interest:

Questions or Comments:

Is water wet or dry?
Please answer the above question so that we can be sure you are a human being!
We're Looking for the New Miss Bel Air!
Design the 2025 Program Cover!

Schedule of Events: Thursday, July 4th, 2024

Note: The information on this page is for our 2024 event. This page will be updated, along with maps, details, etc., as necessary for 2025..

All events have no admission charge unless otherwise noted. Although every effort has been made to keep this list accurate, this information is subject to change as personnel and arrangements develop during the spring and early summer.

Events will be held at various locations in the Town of Bel Air, according to the maps linked below.

Locations and event details are subject to further change, so please check back! Programs with maps showing all locations are available free of charge at various locations in and around the Town of Bel Air beginning on or about June 24, and also at the Pancake Breakfast on the morning of July 4, and at the daytime event locations that same day.

Refreshments and Souvenirs are available at various sites morning, afternoon and evening. Restrooms and First Aid Stations are also located at various sites morning, afternoon and evening.

Note: Information about events, including locations, details, prices, times, etc., are subject to change without warning, so please check back frequently to this page!


ALL EVENTS ARE FREE TO THE PUBLIC with the exception of the Pancake Breakfast (see below).

Here is a map of 2024 DAYTIME ACTIVITIES.

Here is a map of 2024 Parade Route and Fireworks.

You are also cordially invited to browse through our official 2024 program!

Time of Event Name of Event Location & Other Information

6:45 am and other times Flag Raising Ceremonies

Flag Ceremonies will take place at each individual event location!

6:45 am: Flag-Raising Ceremony, featuring American Legion Post #39 and Sgt. Alfred B. Hilton Memorial American Legion Post #55. Robert Hudson, Bugler; and Autumn Boyle, soprano — at Bel Air Town Hall on Hickory Avenue.

8:00 am (approx.): ROCKFIELD PARK

8:45 am (approx.): SHAMROCK PARK

10:45 am (approx.): BEL AIR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

7 am - 11:30 am Blueberry or Chocolate Chip or Plain Pancakes with Sausage Links and Choice of Milk, Apple Juice, Coffee, Tea or Water
Ages 8 and up: $12. Ages 3-7: $7; Ages 2 and under: free.

BEL AIR HIGH SCHOOL; please arrive no later than 11 am in order to purchase a breakfast ticket. Enter through the school main entrance. This event is hosted and undertaken by the Bel Air High School Athletic Booster Club; if there are are any questions about it, please reach out to; this information is subject to change.

8:30 am Horseshoe Pitching
Rockfield Park.

Registration 8:00 am; Flag Ceremony 8:00 am featuring Autumn Boyle, soprano.

9 am - noon Hays House Tours
Enjoy guided tours by docents in period costumes in Bel Air's oldest house! Featuring house and garden tours, colonial games and children's crafts.

9 am - noon Family Contests & Competitions!

These are generally in "Age Divisions," depending on attendance. Ribbons or trophies are awarded to winners and all participants. INFORMATION HEREIN is subject to change.

  In Shamrock Park:

Flag Ceremony: 8:45 am, featuring Autumn Boyle, soprano



UNCLE SAM SAYS: 10:30 am



  Please select this link for a large-scale map of all day events in PDF format.
11 am Bicycle Rodeo
This event is hosted and undertaken by the Bel Air Police Department.


Flag Ceremony: 10:45 am

Trophies for Best Decorated Bike (boys AND girls); awards for ages 5 and under; 6-8; 9-10; 11-13.

4:00 - 6 pm Parade Unit Staging
Parade staging takes place beginning at the INTERSECTION of S. MAIN STREET and E. MACPHAIL ROAD, the entrance to the Homestead-Wakefield Elementary School complex. This is sometimes also called Huntsinger Way.

All units should report to that intersection, including bands.

Specific instructions for staging, arrival, routes to get to the staging, etc., are e-mailed to accepted parade entrants in late June.

If your application has been accepted, and you have NOT received such paperwork via e-mail by June 26, or if you are unclear on the status of your application, or if you are not able to receive e-mail, or if you have any questions about the staging of the parade, please call 410-879-4245 or send an e-mail to the Parade Committee immediately.

   Map of the Parade Route

The 2024 Parade will start at the intersection of IDLEWILD and S. Main and procced to the intersection of E. Gordon Street and North Main Street, at the "Welcome to Bel Air" sign. See the map!

The Reviewing Stand is located at the FOUNTAIN in front of the Harford County Courthouse, on Main Street. The Parade MC is Kristy Breslin, of WMAR-TV Channel 2, assisted by Richard Bennett. At 6 pm sharp, soprano Autumn Boyle starts off the event at the Reviewing Stand by singing our National Anthem.

Note: If the parade is cancelled due to inclement weather, it will not be rescheduled. Cancellation information is announced on our Facebook page, and broadcast on WXCY-FM 103.7 and WAMD-AM 970.

9:30 pm (approximate) Fireworks Display
  Map of the 2024 FIREWORKS LOCATION.

The 2024 fireworks will be launched from Rockfield Park. Spectators may watch from any permitted area in or around the Town of Bel Air. Please obey no-entry zones (see map). If the fireworks are cancelled for any reason, they will not be rescheduled.



The Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc.
P.O. Box 724 • Bel Air, Maryland 21014
410-879-4245 (Answering Service)

All trademarks, art work, coding, copy, etc., are property of the Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc., unless otherwise noted, and may not be reproduced or copied without permission.

The Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc., is recognized by the United States Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt corporation.

© 2003-2022 The Bel Air Independence Day Committee, Inc. All rights reserved. Send an e-mail to the Bel Air Independence Day Committee
General Disclaimer and Terms of Use.